Need Auto, Truck, and Car Repair In Toms River? Call Family Auto Care to fix your car. Complete Auto Service Including:
Troubleshooting, Repairs, Tune-ups, Brakes, Tires, Radiators, Engine work, Oil-Lube-Filter, & more
Frank Says: "You can't control the price of Gas but you can control how much your car burns! A properly maintained engine goes easy on the environment and your wallet! "
"When you need work done on your car, come see us at Family Auto Care.....It's like having a mechanic in the family!"
Looking for Tires in Toms River. We install when you order on-line. Click Toms River Tire Center for info.
24 hour Towing 732-349-1371
Great Service
Fair Prices
Competent Work
ASE Certified
Falily Auto Care LLC 1990 A Lakewood Road (Rt9s) Corner of 571 (Bay Ave.) Toms River, New Jersey 732-244-5332 Fax 732-244-5336