car repair in Toms River

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Auto Repair in Toms River


About Us

Family Auto Care we are not a fancy shop, but we have what you are looking for. Good honest services at prices you can afford. We have one of the lowest - if not the lowest labor rates anywhere.

We also install Tires you can buy on line.
Call us to expect delivery and click here for info and catalog.

What customers say:

"I can always count on Frank to give me honest service at a fair price. The way I found him was that I was quoted over $600 at a "dealer" to fix a rough engine problem, telling me what a BIG job it is. I figured Id get a competitive quote.  When I brought it to Frank, I didn't say anything, I just wanted to hear what he has to say.  He called me an hour later and said "come pick up your car - it's fixed".  I said "what ya mean - fixed! What was wrong" He said you had a bad ignition wire." I said how much?" He said "$15 bucks, I had an extra wire hanging out here on the shelf- but you know, you really should replace the whole set when you do your next tune up"  

That was it for me - I finally found myself an "honest" mechanic!

BV - Toms River

I use my car to drive 50 miles to work and 50 miles back every day. Family Auto has maintained my vehicle for most of this time. I switched to Family Auto after having my car serviced at a dealer the first few years. I used to complain to the dealer that my A/C was not cold and got nothing but excuses (and big fat bills). Family Auto found that a heater valve was sticking open just a little and interfering with the cold air. It was a simple cable adjustment! The dealers could not fix it for 5 years - Family Auto fixed it in just one visit. Now I really do have a "cool" car. Thank you Family Auto. CF Toms River


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